Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Linda Kozlowski/Moulay Hafid Baba
Occupation: Co-Founders of Dream My Destiny (DMD), a bespoke Moroccan tour company that personally produces and leads a variety of carefully curated private journeys designed to accommodate your every desire
Hometown: Marrakech, Morocco (Hafid); Fairfield, Connecticut (Linda)
Residence: Marrakech, Morocco
College: Juilliard School of Drama
College major: Life!
Website: dreamydestiny.com
Short bio: Acclaimed actress Linda Kozlowski, best known as the leading lady in The Crocodile Dundee trilogy, embraces her new role as co-founder of Dream My Destiny, a bespoke Moroccan tour company. The Marrakech-based company, where Linda resides for much of the year, boasts exotic itineraries that offer a ravishing myriad of experiences for couples, families and groups of up to eight persons. Passionate about the country, Linda loves introducing her guests to Morocco’s poetic people, magical medinas and breathtaking landscapes.
Tracing his ancestry back to the Alaouite dynasty more than 1200 years, Moulay Hafid Baba has an intimate knowledge of the country, which he has refined over 25 years of leading elite tours and facilitating world-renowned film shoots. Uniquely positioned to take travelers to see the country’s far reaches—from the brilliant saffron-gold sands of the Sahara to the towering Atlas—he is equally qualified to provide assistance for productions. Within his extensive repertoire of movie and fashion shoots, Baba has worked on Sex and the City 2, Gladiator, Inception, Black Hawk Down and Kingdom of Heaven as well as with A-list tastemakers including Sophia Coppola, Giorgio Armani and Tory Burch.
Together, they personally produce the tours, ensuring the clients have the best possible experience and are alleviated of usual travel worries and woes often associated with travel in Morocco. Treating travelers to some of the most exotic and exhilarating haunts in the country, they expertly navigate Morocco to deliver the highest level of service and value for their guests.
How often do you fly? Whenever we feel the itch to move!
How many countries have you been to? 10 (Hafid); 16 (Linda)
How many continents have you been to? 4 (Hafid); 6 (Linda)
Earliest travel memory: Working in a circus outside of Milan (Hafid); sleeping in a lavender field in Provence (Linda)
Favorite American city: Being an East Coast girl, I’ve always had a strong pull towards New York City and to this day, feel it’s one of the most exciting cities in the world (Linda).
Favorite international city: Marrakech as it has a truly enigmatic charm—promising adventure and mystery with a hint of rock-n-roll. It truly tantalizes the senses with its vibrant colors, aromas and exotic culture.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: France
Favorite World Heritage Site: Grand Canyon.
Favorite airline: Emirates.
Favorite aircraft type: C-130 Hercules/blimps.
Aisle or window: Both.
Favorite airport lounge: Dubai.
Favorite U.S. airport: JFK.
Favorite international airport: Sydney.
Favorite hotel: La Mamounia, Marrakech as it’s an exquisite, world-renowned luxury offering with its alluring architecture and intimate atmosphere in the heart of Marrakech.
Favorite cruise line: We avoid cruises, as both suffer from seasickness!
Favorite travel credit card: AMEX.
Favorite island: Paraty, Brazil (Hafid); Lizard Island, Australia (Linda); Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos.
Favorite beach: Cabo Nego, Morocco a beautiful beach resort in Northern Morocco.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Al Fassia, Marrakech as it’s exciting culinary offering featuring great fusion cuisine.
Favorite hole-in-the-wall: Pink’s Hot Dogs.
Favorite bar: We sit outside in the square and enjoy the ambiance of Old and New Marrakech.
Favorite fruit: Pear (Hafid); nothing beats an old-fashioned watermelon—it’s refreshing and hydrating, especially when you’re traveling in hot countries (Linda).
Favorite food: It’s a cliché, but oysters are a luxurious pleasure I crave (Linda).
Least favorite food: I tend to be on the healthier side, so my least favorite food is anything greasy…
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Spending time in Morocco, makes me crave mint tea (Linda).
Favorite travel book(s): “Shantaram” as it’s a mesmerizing page-turner.
Right now I am reading: “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt.
Favorite travel website(s)—besides JohnnyJet.com, of course! Dreamydestiny.com.
5 things you bring on a plane: Phone, iPad, newspaper, pen, Quran (Hafid); phone, toothbrush, magazines, moisturizer, magnesium (Linda).
What do you always seem to forget? Socks, lip balm.
What do you like least about travel? There’s no downside to travel, the ups and downs are all part of the journey.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? Cologne, perfume.
Worst travel moment: Being stereotyped as a terrorist because I’m Moroccan (Hafid).
What’s your dream destination? I’ve traveled the world and I always come back to Morocco, which is truly my dream destination. What’s not to love? It boasts every type of landscape and potential experience.
Favorite travel charity: We’re really about giving in a grassroots way. When we do our tours, we look at what the locals need and offer up direct solutions by bringing supplies to the villages.
Best travel tip: Reading notable magazines about your destination on the plane, so when you arrive you’re armed with great ideas for shopping, restaurants and things to do and see!
France — meanest immigration officers. Nay. Nay. I live in Paris 3 months each year and
never, ever been treated less than wonderfully by their agent at the airport. What does this woman do wrong????
What happened to the dreammydestiny.com website? That domain is showing up as being for sale. I wanted to contact them about possibly taking a vacation to Morocco, plus it would be pretty cool to meet Linda Kozlowski.