Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Laura Lynch
Occupation: Travel blogger, writer and consultant for US Embassy websites
Hometown: Milton-Freewater, Oregon
Residence: Seattle, WA
College: University of Montana
College major: English and Creative Writing
Website: Savored Journeys
Twitter: @savoredjourneys
Facebook: Savored Journeys
Pinterest: Savored Journeys
Google+: Savored Journeys
Instagram: Savored Journeys
Short bio: When I was 17, I went on my first overseas trip to seven countries in Europe and I’ve been pursuing my love of travel ever since. After 15 years of working in the corporate world as a consultant for the US State Department, I learned that pursuing my passion could be done full time, and I’ve now transitioned into travel and food writing full-time, plus running my luxury travel blog, Savored Journeys. I live in Seattle, WA, with my husband, Nick. We love traveling together, eating amazing food and pursuing our love of wine and beer.
How often do you fly? 12-15 times per year.
How many countries have you been to? 50
How many continents have you been to? 6
Earliest travel memory: As a child, we never traveled, but my parents took us on a road trip to Disneyland when I was 10 and it was the first time we really ever stayed in hotels or got to see another state besides our own (Oregon). It was a dream trip for a 10-year-old.
Favorite American city: Seattle.
Favorite international city: Istanbul.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: We encountered a few grumpy officers in Madrid. One of them almost forcibly removed the memory card from my camera when she saw me with it on the jetway.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Abu Simbel in Egypt. It’s one of the most inspiring and incredible things I’ve ever seen. And the fact that it was moved to higher ground in the 60s by UNESCO to avoid being submerged in Lake Nassar magnifies it even more.
Favorite airline: Alaska Airlines takes the prize for me.
Aisle or window: Definitely the window. My husband and I fight over it when we fly together.
Favorite cruise line: Celebrity.
Favorite travel credit card: Tie between Chase Sapphire and Capital One Venture.
Favorite island: Bora Bora.
Favorite beach: The entire Oregon coastline.
Favorite fancy restaurant: The French Laundry.
Favorite fruit: Mangosteen.
Favorite food: Dungeness crab.
Least favorite food: Meatballs.
Favorite travel show(s): The Layover, The Mind of a Chef.
Right now I am reading: “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd.
Favorite travel website(s)—besides JohnnyJet.com, of course! BudgetTravel.com, Shermanstravel.com and Travel + Leisure.
What do you like least about travel? People in airport and on planes.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? I love Toffifee, a chocolate and hazelnut candy that can be bought in large packages at Duty Free, and which we can’t get at home. I’m obsessed.
Worst travel moment: I once spent an entire 9-day trip to Ireland and Scotland with a massive headache that wouldn’t subside.
Best travel tip: Everyone loves taking photos and videos on vacation, but try not to view your entire vacation through a lens, or better yet, a selfie-stick. Some moments deserve your whole attention.