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Julie Berry
Julie Berry

Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Julie Berry

Occupation: Marriage and Family Therapist; TV Producer; Aspiring writer & lifestyle traveling nomad

Hometown: Gorham, Maine, USA

Residence: Current zip code: the universe. Ok ok, I left Los Angeles eight months ago (after a 13-year stint) packed all my “stuff” into storage and froze my eggs (the ovarian kind) and put those in storage as well. Very open to a new residence. I’ve been daydreaming of Oregon lately.

College: East Carolina University (B.S.) & California state university, Northridge (M.S.)

College major: Psychology & community development

Twitter: @Julieberry438

Instagram: julieberry

Short bio: Have you ever noticed the narrative you tell others about “who you are?” I’ve always admired people of great accomplishment who are not defined by such accomplishments. Regardless here are some facts about my life path; I’m an adopted Native American Indian born and raised in Maine. At a very young age I was interested in photography and storytelling…I think I’ll be forever chasing the excitement I had waiting for my double prints to be developed as a kid. Maine instilled in me a deep appreciation for nature and adventure yet I couldn’t wait to explore all the corners of the Earth. My parents shared their wanderlust and we would go on vacation at least once a year. The first place I fell in love with was Montana, I can picture the hot pink tourist T-shirt I refused to take off and how I would wait for hours for the marmots to pop their heads out of the ground.

The first ticket to move out of Maine was college, I was drawn south and chose North Carolina. This is when my obsession with psychology started and I was thrilled I could study something I was interested in. My curiosity didn’t stop upon graduation, I knew I wanted to get a masters degree in psychology eventually. Before I went down the higher education route I had to satisfy my desire to expand through international travel and culture, so I applied to the peace corps. Upon getting my orders I had sent in a tape to be a contestant for the TV show Survivor. Survivor called and I ended up going down that path of adventure on a South Pacific island named Vanuatu. It was epic on all levels, impossible to compare to anything in my life and yet I vowed to always have adventurous peak experiences as long as I live. After Survivor I moved to Los Angeles and picked up on my academic adventure of pursuing my masters in psychology and counseling while exploring the world at the same time. After four years, several passport stamps, a thesis and two board exams, I was a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a Masters degree in Educational Psychology and Counseling. I’m a big fan of therapy. I also have enjoyed my own evolution as a therapist. I hit a transitional point and wanted to expand in a new way career-wise. I ended up manifesting a job as a reality TV producer. It was everything exciting and different than therapy; international travel, group collaboration on a large creative scale, fast paced and physically demanding. Over five years I jumped on several big network productions and really enjoyed developing new skills and learning this lens of storytelling.

In a mix of circumstance (age, having my thyroid removed bc of cancer, and assessing my life’s legacy) I decided to take another leap…this one for my spirit, not my career. I’m keen on consciousness expansion, a few things get me there quick, traveling being one of them. All in the span of three weeks I wrapped a production, froze my eggs (yes the ovary kind), put all my belongings in storage, and cancelled every auto payment (arguably the most rewarding task)!

This wasn’t my first international trip by any means but it was the longest (without a return flight home even) and I was doing it solo. I picked countries that have always been on my must-see bucket list (New Zealand, Australia, Nepal, Portugal, Spain, Morocco & Iceland). I’ve been gone for eight months and I’m still going strong! I’m currently writing to you from the beautiful port town Essaouira in Morocco.

How often do you fly? I’m a frequent flyer.

How many countries have you been to? (Pulls out the world map and counts for the first time)…30.

How many continents have you been to? 5! With the exception of South America (gasp) and Antarctica (meh).

Earliest travel memory: Driving to Maine to meet my adopted family (five-years old).

Favorite American city: I can’t commit—still holding out for that forever love. Does Sedona, AZ count?!

Favorite international city: Queenstown, NZ; Kathmandu, Nepal; Paris, France (just realized these three are a blend of my personality).

Least favorite country: Currently America with the political climate.

I have no desire to go to: I’d go anywhere with a story telling mindset. Are there people there? I want to learn them. Are there animals? I want to pet them. Is there different terrain? I want to explore it.

Friendliest people in the world: Nepalese. No pretense, all soul. It’s not that costumer service vibe either, it’s soul handshakes all around. (Honorable mention: Guatemala & Cook Islands).

Country with the meanest immigration officers: Not sure, never had a problem. World poll would probably put America high up on the board.

Favorite World Heritage Site: LUMBINI, Nepal (the birth place of the Buddha).

Favorite airline: Cheapest.

Favorite aircraft type: Size matters.

Aisle or window: Window!!

Favorite airport lounge: I can’t adequately rate this, I don’t do these (unfortunately).

Favorite U.S. airport: San Fran (they have YOGA next to the wine bar).

Favorite international airport: Madrid (bc I have about 17 walking orgasms every time I’m there). Me encanta!

Favorite hotel: Post Ranch Inn, Big Sur.

Favorite cruise line: I’m not a cruise connoisseur but I’m about to do my first river cruise with my momma in Portugal so stay tuned.

Favorite travel credit card: Any card that gives me miles for cash.

Favorite island: Kauai, Vanuatu, Fiji, Palau (the South Pacific knows how to do it)!

Favorite beach: Spirits Bay (New Zealand) & Lucky Bay (Australia).

Favorite National Park: Yosemite (I’m a National Park queen so this is really hard to keep to one). Karjini (western Australia).

Favorite fancy restaurant: Post Ranch Inn (you dine above the clouds and then sleep in the most booshie tree house).

Favorite hole-in-the-wall: Reel Inn, Malibu.

Favorite airport restaurant: Real Food Daily.

Favorite bar: Any obnoxious bar that has all the earthy organic stuff.

Favorite fruit: All the fruit…but passion fruit steals my taste buds.

Favorite food: Nutritional food turns me on…(plant-based delicacy)…cheat food is pizza & cereal (see how fast I regress to a child).

Least favorite food: Anything that leaves me feeling heavy.

Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Good ole sparkling water with lemon, ok I’ve never had that in the air.

Favorite travel movie(s): The Count of Monte Cristo.

Favorite travel show(s): Any network that explores culture, religion & travel adventure with epic cinematography.

Favorite travel book(s): Lonely Planet.

Right now I am reading: “Inner Engineering” by Sadhguru.

Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: The Points Guy; The Road Les Traveled; all the IG super stars with epic travel pictures that inspire.

Favorite travel website(s)—besides, of course! is the one and only.

5 things you bring on a plane: Epic playlist, healthy snacks, a morbid attitude (bc I think of death every flight and my last words to all my loved ones), and a new neck pillow bc I leave them all over the world. Oh, rose water spray bc it’s lovely.

What do you always seem to forget? Five more pairs of yoga pants in case the 20 I packed aren’t enough.

What do you like least about travel? Early mornings. Bad sleep. Negotiating a taxi in Morocco. Being sick.

What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? Not into this so much.

Favorite travel app(s): Wikicamps; Airbnb;;; TripAdvisor; Tides Near Me; Bumble; Charles Schwab.

Most embarrassing travel moment: Oh boy. Over a decade ago I was traveling internationally to see a lover…I packed toy handcuffs and we all know how this story ends (flash to me trying to explain my way out of this).

I’m embarrassed I haven’t been to: South America…Argentina…Patagonia. Swoon. I’ll add Nashville and New Orleans to that roster too!

Worst travel moment: On a remote island in Thailand with my dear friend Christy Dawn who was six-months pregnant. We ate a pancake (or three) that we later found out had a secret ingredient: TOILET WATER. It was quite the adventure even getting to the “hospital” and staying overnight being locked in a glass room wanting to die as the drunk people strolled in. It was a nightmare.

What’s your dream destination? Full circle, I’ve been traveling for eight months going to countries I’ve always dreamt of (New Zealand, Australia, Nepal, Portugal, Spain, Morocco & Iceland). So now I have a new list, Japan, Kenya, South Africa, Patagonia, Bhutan, Tibet.

Favorite travel charity: Waves for Water. Providing healthy drinking water all over the world with an emphasis on disaster relief. Check them out they are doing magical things in this world.

Best travel tip: Pack an adventurous spirit and leave the rest behind!


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