Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Jeremy Goring
Occupation: Hotelier
Hometown: London
Residence: London
Website: TheGoring.com
Short Bio: CEO at The Goring London. Previously with Four Seasons (London), Rosewood (Lanesborough London, pre openings of Las Ventanas Mexico, Caneel Bay Virgin Islands, Dharmawangsa Jakarta), Orient Express (Observatory Sydney).
How often do you fly: Monthly
How many countries have you been to: Between 40 and 60
How many continents have you been to: 5
Favorite American city: San Francisco – food, and the best looking tramps in any town
Favorite international city: Lisbon – its faded grandeur and ocean heritage, plus brilliant seafood
Least favorite country: Morocco. I don’t think you should be challenged to a fight every time you park at a surf spot.
Favorite World Heritage Site: The Sydney Opera House. Built in the 70’s yet somehow timeless.
Favorite airline: Virgin
Favorite aircraft type: Lancaster Bomber
Aisle or window: Window – I like to climb over people in the night
Favorite airport lounge: Virgin T3 London
Favorite U.S. airport: John Wayne
Favorite international airport: Sydney, nice and small
Favorite hotel: The Goring, and the Kristiania in Lech
Do you unpack into the dresser/closet? Or live out of your suitcase? Always unpack or the undies will crease!
Favorite cruise line: I would never go on a cruise ship and make luxury my prison
Favorite island: Barbados, and a little one in the Solomons called Kennedy Island
Favorite fancy restaurant: The Ledbury, London
Favorite hole in the wall: Alcalde, San Sebastian
Favorite fruit: David Morgan-Hewitt tied with George Goring
Favorite food: Sardines, over charcoal
Least favorite food: Kidneys (Norbury Junior put one in my pocket in science; I found it 3 days later)
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): the Goring’s “Home Brew” (Our yearly barrique of Meursault from the Hospices de Beaune)
Favorite travel movie(s): The one with the W at the end.
Favorite travel show(s): Ross Kemp on Gangs
Favorite travel book(s): Don’t stop the carnival might just qualify although it’s about a hotelier whose too drunk to actually travel.
Right now I am reading: Vernon God Little. Don’t read it or you will be offended.
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: The Goring Trumpeter takes 1 2 and 3 slot.
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: World Surfaris (.com.au)
Five things you bring on a plane: Noise cancelling headphones. Sleeping pills. An Ipad full of series of Californication or other trash. A book already started. Lots of adaptors.
What do you always seem to forget: That air stewards wear very tight trousers.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Rum. Not the cheap stuff.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Being vomited on by Max aged 3 while landing in Singapore…. no time to find new clothes…. panic-bought some kung-fu trousers…. landed in London wearing them.
Worst travel moment: Back-to-back engine explosions on way to Aus and back. Pilots rock!
What’s your dream destination: Mentawai Islands.
Favorite travel charity: Club Touraid
Best travel tip: Pills
I actually enjoyed reading through this posting, Good post.
what a cutie….Tramps in San Francisco??