Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Faith Case
Occupation: Momma, Travel Blogger, Owner of Miles Momma
Hometown: Los Osos, California
Residence: San Luis Obispo, California
Website: Miles Momma
Twitter: @milesmomma1
Facebook: Miles Momma
Pinterest: Miles Momma
Google+: Faith Case (Miles Momma)
Instagram: milesmomma1
YouTube: Miles Momma
Short Bio: I am a stay-at-home Momma with a passion for travel and exploring the world. To finance my passion to explore the world, I became a hard core collector of miles and points which has enable my family and I to travel the world. We just came back from a month long adventure throughout England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland which was completely paid for with miles and points.
My full time job is Momma. I homeschool, coach sports and constantly run around after my children. I also manage my own travel resource site, milesmomma.com. The Miles Momma site is geared towards helping the average leisure traveler learn how to collect more miles & points than they could ever imagined possible. With the resources and tools provided on my site, the average person can learn how to travel the world for next to nothing. My desire is to show average people how they too can achieve the dream of travel. Traveling the world isn’t just for the wealthy!
How often do you fly: Several times a year
How many countries have you been to: 15
How many continents have you been to: 4
Favorite American city: Boston, USA
Favorite international city: Prague, Czech Republic
Least favorite country: Mexico
Favorite World Heritage Site: Wartburg Castle, Germany
Favorite airline: United & Air New Zealand
Favorite aircraft type: Don’t care just happy to get there!
Aisle or window: Aisle
Favorite airport lounge: Any lounge I get “free” access to!
Favorite U.S. airport: Chicago O’hare
Favorite international airport: London Heathrow
Favorite hotel: Ventana Inn, Big Sur, California
Do you unpack into the dresser/closet? Or live out of your suitcase? Unpack
Favorite cruise line: Royal Caribbean
Favorite island: Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Favorite beach: Montana de Oro State Beach
Favorite fancy restaurant: Buona Tavola, San Luis Obispo, CA
Favorite fruit: Cherries & Strawberries
Favorite food: Syrian food & Chocolate
Least favorite food: I love everything!
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Water (I know boring but feels so good in my body)
Favorite travel movie(s): Under the Tuscan Sun & Eat Love Pray
Favorite travel book(s): Rick Steves
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: Travel & Leisure, Budget Travel
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: RickSteves, TripAdvisor, Awardwallet
Five things you bring on a plane: water, laptop, Google nexus, travel magazine, Rick Steves book, warm fuzzy socks.
What do you always seem to forget: Nothing…I’m an extreme planner!
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Chocolate from any other country and lots of it!!
Favorite travel app(s): Awardwallet, Here U Go, XE, Skyscanner, HotelTonight, Flyertalk, Milepoint, Kayak, TripAdvisor
Most embarrassing travel moment: When I forgot a pull-up for my toddler son who wet the entire seat while he was sleeping on an 11 hour night flight to Italy. I had to put my tee shirt on him to walk off the plane. He looked so cute though walking in the long t-shirt and wasn’t bothered by the fact he had no underwear or pull-up on.
Worst travel moment: Got food poisoning in Kauai from fish at the Hilton right before boarding the 5 hour flight back to California. I was throwing up the entire flight home. It was by far my worst travel moment I’ve ever had. I must have been in the bathroom the entire flight.
What’s your dream destination: Everywhere I go is a dream because I never imagined I would be living the dream of traveling the world. I’m so grateful for every place I’m able to see in the world.
Favorite travel charity: Passports with a purpose
Best travel tip: The more you plan before you go, the better trip you’ll have. Time wasted in a hotel, train station or on the street trying to figure out what to do or how to get there is no fun especially with children. Also, use Google Earth when planning out trips to actually see what it looks like where you are planning to visit or stay. Take a walk around the neighborhood virtually and see if it’s what you were thinking before you go.