Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Drew Scott
Occupation: Producer/Host/Actor/Over Achiever ;)
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Residence: Las Vegas
College: UCFV and University of Calgary
College major: Kinesiology
Website: thescottbrothers.com
Twitter: @MrDrewScott
Facebook: Drew Scott
Pinterest: Drew Scott
Instagram: mrdrewscott
Short bio: Jonathan and Drew Scott are the charismatic twin brothers who star in HGTV’s hit series Property Brothers, Buying & Selling and Brother Vs. Brother. Along with their winning blend of sibling rivalry and humor, they have a rare knack for finding fixer-uppers and turning them into perfect properties. Jonathan, a renowned designer and licensed contractor, and Drew, a seasoned agent, have bought and renovated real estate for over 15 years. The brothers’ fresh, functional approach has found success in cities across North America and around the world. With their broad experience and complementary skills, the dynamic, design-savvy duo can solve any property problem.
When not working on their popular series, they pursue other projects—Drew as an actor and director, Jonathan as an award-winning illusionist. As sports enthusiasts both brothers hold 2nd-degree black belts in karate and have taken part in the NBA All-Star Celebrity Games. They also serve as global ambassadors for World Vision, working to improve child protection domestically and abroad.
How often do you fly? Every couple of days.
How many countries have you been to? 30+
Earliest travel memory: I was five-years-old traveling on a double-decker bus from London to Glasgow because our flight had been diverted. I can remember seeing my whole family asleep from exhaustion but I was wide-awake seeing this new country for the first time. My parents gave me the travel bug at a young age.
Favorite American city: So many! New Orleans. There’s a haunting charm to the city.
Favorite international city: Florence.
Least favorite country: Still searching for it ;)
Friendliest people in the world: In the Philippines. They were warm, inviting and courteous.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Historic Scotland.
Favorite airline: Air Canada. People give them a hard time but I always have great flight attendants and I love that all their airplanes have personal TVs.
Favorite aircraft type: As long as it’s not a prop plane, I’m happy.
Aisle or window: Window. Need the side to sleep on.
Favorite U.S. airport: Las Vegas. Because it means I’m home.
Favorite international airport: London Heathrow. It’s like its own city.
Favorite hotel: Any Starwood hotel. I’ve been a platinum guest for many years and I always get great service at their properties.
Favorite cruise line: Carnival. I’ve done about 14 cruises with them. The food and service guarantees for a fun time and we’ll be hosting a cruise for fans, Sailing with the Scotts, November 16th through November 20th. More information here.
Favorite island: Mykonos.
Favorite beach: Any beach down south with soft sand and warm weather.
Favorite fancy restaurant: The Bellavite in Maple Ridge where I grew up. Reminds of me fancy family get-togethers when I was little. Hal was our server, and to this day he can remember my order!
Favorite hole-in-the-wall: I’m a sushi guy. Kobe is great in Vegas.
Favorite fruit: Watermelon.
Favorite food: Sushi.
Least favorite food: Anything deep-fried.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Water. I know this sounds lame, but when you travel a lot you need to drink a lot of water.
Favorite travel movie(s): I’m open to anything…comedy, action, adventure. Right now I’m on a flight to Tokyo and I’m watching Fury.
Favorite travel show(s): Travel Channel has so many great shows. I get hooked into most of their shows.
Favorite travel book(s): I always read Frommer’s before hitting a new city.
5 things you bring on a plane: Portable battery pack to charge cell, laptop, vitamins, sanitizer, and a hat to cover my travel hair ;)
What do you always seem to forget? Toothpaste.
What do you like least about travel? How tiring it is on the body.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? Fruit & Nut bar. So good!
Favorite travel app(s): Uber. Helps me get around so much more efficiently than just cabbing.
Most embarrassing travel moment: I was placing my food cart in the hall and locked myself out of my room in my boxers. Had to walk to the front desk to get a new key.
Worst travel moment: Doing a red eye flight and having to do a press appearance the moment I landed—I looked rough!
What’s your dream destination? I’d love to travel to Australia one day soon. Any suggestions on other cities?
Best travel tip: NEXUS/TSA Pre-check & Clear are so helpful when you travel a lot. Cuts down on your airport security and custom waits drastically.
Love u both. Why don’t you folks come visit the Hawaiian islands. Oahu (Honolulu). I would love to meet both of you. Hope to meet you both soon. Lmk when you are planning to come. I will be there to welcome you.
Soy Argentina y vivo en Argentina. Me encanta el programa de t.v. de ustedes, me gusta còmo satisfacen a las personas. Algùn dìa vendràs a Argentina?? Me rio mucho con ustedes, me encantan las ideas que tienen. Espero algùn dìa poder conocerlos. Abrazos. Emilce Lillo
If you are interested/enjoy Australia, you will be wild for New Zealand. My past fave was Hong Kong; but, now back to previous favorite of New Zealand…Both Islands. If you are a fan of the Hobbit movies, Hobbitville is located at the North tip of South Island. Auckland on North Island is the place for night life; but, South Island offers snow and winter sports and gorgeous fiords. So Drew, any chance you and your brothers might be interested?
Agreed, extra water is so useful for frequent travelers.
I really don’t travel, but now I appreciate what others go through that do. Thanks for the interview, Drew. Love you guys!
Hi, I log on to yyour blogs regularly. Yourr story-telling
style is awesome, keep doing what you’re doing!
hello drew how are youn i want invitet vcs dois a visitare sao paulo brasil