Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Chris Gray Faust
Occupation: Freelance writer/ social media consultant
Hometown: Edina, MN – a suburb of Minneapolis
Residence: Seattle, Wash.
Website: Chris Around The World: Your Guide to Value Luxury Vacations
Twitter: @CAroundTheWorld
Facebook: Chris Around The World
Pinterest: Chris Gray Faust
Bio: Chris Gray Faust has 20 years of journalism experience, most recently as travel editor at USA TODAY. Her blog, Chris Around The World, won a Lowell Thomas Travel Writing award in 2010 and is syndicated on USA TODAY. She works as a freelance writer for numerous outlets, including the San Francisco Chronicle, Budget Travel, Frommer’s, Gadling, Cruise Critic, the Independent Traveler and USA TODAY premium publications.
How often do you fly: Twice a month
How many countries have you been to: 52
How many continents have you been to: 6 (all but Antarctica)
Favorite American city: New Orleans. I lived there for 8 years, working for the Times-Picayune newspaper. I still belong to a Mardi Gras krewe, the Krewe of Muses, and go back to visit at least once a year.
Favorite international city: I love many cities, but I could go to Rome again and again, and never get bored.
Least favorite country: None yet!
Favorite World Heritage Site: Masada, Israel
Favorite airline: Any on which I can score a business class, lie-flat bed.
Favorite aircraft type: See above
Aisle or window: Aisle
Favorite airport lounge: I’m not an airport lingerer, so I don’t get into the lounges that often.
Favorite U.S. airport: When I was working at USA TODAY, DCA’s small size made it incredibly easy to get in and out fast.
Favorite international airport: Schiphol, Amsterdam
Favorite hotel: It depends on the city. That being said, I love the Four Seasons brand.
Favorite cruise line: I love small ships – sailing cruises, expedition cruises, etc. Uniworld does a great job on river cruising. I loved their Nile cruise, which I took last October.
Favorite island: Bequia in the Grenadines. I also travel frequently to Sanibel Island, Florida, where my parents live (and where I was married in 2007).
Favorite fancy restaurant: Commander’s Palace, New Orleans. Don’t miss their lunchtime 25 cent martinis!
Favorite hole in the wall: Any of the food stalls in Philly’s Italian Market. I used to own a house there when I worked at the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Favorite fruit: Strawberries
Favorite food: Ice cream/gelato
Least favorite food: I really don’t like Ketchup.
Favorite travel movie(s): I love any of those movies where there’s a montage with a map and a line that travels through different countries. Think Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Favorite travel show(s): Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, the Amazing Race, Planet Earth
Favorite travel book(s): The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin had an impact on me at an early age.
Five things you bring on a plane: Bose noise canceling headphones, iPad with Kindle app, moisturizer, compression socks and my laptop.
What do you always seem to forget: Seattle is a very casual city. I never wear high heels anymore, which can be a problem if a formal event is on the agenda.
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): I wrote an app, the Philadelphia Essential Travel Guide, which I update regularly. I love the Kindle app, Instagram, Tipster, and all of the social apps to keep up with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the rest.
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Projectile vomiting from food poisoning in the Cancun airport.
What’s your dream destination: Everywhere, I want to see it all! That being said, my husband Don Faust and I rented a campervan last year in New Zealand. We’d love to do the same thing and spend a month driving around Australia.
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: I work hard to make my website, www.caroundtheworld.com, useful to Value Luxury Travelers. I also like the sites that I write for regularly: CruiseCritic, Frommers, Gadling, Budget Travel and the Independent Traveler.
Best travel tip: No matter what happens on the road, stay calm and keep your cool. It’s when you panic that a situation spirals out of control.