Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Tony Howell
Occupation: Chef
Hometown: Margaret River
Residence: Treeton
Facebook: Chef Tone—Tony Howell
Instagram: cheftonyhowell
Short bio: Tony Howell discovered his passion for cooking as a bright eyed 14-year-old when working to pay for surfboards in a Mexican restaurant in Perth. Fast-forward 30 years and in that time Chef Tone, as he is affectionately known, has garnered a reputation as one of Australia’s best chefs. He has worked in the finest restaurants in Western Australia, helping them win a multitude of awards with his culinary creations. He’s been invited to cook in Bali at private functions and hotel openings, in California for a Porsche Club and special television events, and alongside the industry’s best. As a Margaret River Gourmet Escape ambassadorial chef for the visiting chefs from around the world, Tony has cooked for and alongside Heston Blumenthal, Alex Atala, Rene Redzepi, and Sat Bains.
How often do you fly? Four to six times a year.
How many countries have you been to? Luckily lots.
How many continents have you been to? Five.
Earliest travel memory: Boat cruise through Asia with my family…aged five.
Favorite American city: New York.
Favorite international city: New York.
Least favorite country: Haven’t found one yet!
I have no desire to go to: Middle East.
Friendliest people in the world: Hawaiians, Filipinos.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: Toughest…Australia, we really do try and protect what comes into our clean environment.
Favorite airline: Qantas, Singapore.
Favorite aircraft type: BIG!
Aisle or window: Aisle.
Favorite airport lounge: Qantas.
Favorite U.S. airport: Jackson Hole…so small and days of old!
Favorite international airport: Singapore.
Favorite hotel: Apart from Cape Lodge, Alila Hotel.
Favorite island: Rottnest, Western Australia.
Favorite beach: All the beaches in Margaret River region…but best for surfing/diving is Gracetown, Western Australia.
Favorite National Park: Yellowstone National Park.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Gwen, Los Angeles!
Favorite fruit: Cherries.
Favorite food: Street food.
Least favorite food: Fried fast food.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): White wine in the air/ and water.
Favorite travel movie(s): Any comedy.
Favorite travel show(s): Anthony Bourdain.
5 things you bring on a plane: Phone, computer, thongs (footwear), toothbrush and paste, charger (when I remember).
What do you always seem to forget? Phone/computer charger.
What do you like least about travel? Waiting for your flight.
Favorite travel app(s): Uber for cabs.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Mixing up AM with PM on a plane ticket….missed the flight!
I’m embarrassed I haven’t been to: Spain.
Favorite travel charity: Make-A-Wish, Qantas.
Best travel tip: Don’t plan to much, wing it and go with it…be spontaneous.