Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Brian Li
Occupation: Electronic Music Designer
Hometown: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Residence: New York City
Website: BrianLi.com
Twitter: @bwhli
Instagram: bwhli
Short bio: I’m an electronic music designer for Broadway shows and other live theatrical productions around the world. My work often brings me to international destinations, and I enjoy writing about my experiences.
How often do you fly? It really depends on my work schedule. For example, I flew 10-12 times last year. This year, I already have 15 flights booked between January and March!
How many countries have you been to? 20 countries so far!
How many continents have you been to? Three continents.
Earliest travel memory: Immigrating from Hong Kong to the USA in 1997. I remember the descent into Logan International Airport quite clearly.
Favorite American city: Boston, MA.
Favorite international city: Hong Kong.
Least favorite country: Haven’t encountered one I didn’t like yet…
I have no desire to go to: Antarctica.
Friendliest people in the world: Japan.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: USA, I think.
Favorite airline: Hard question…Virgin America for USA. Cathay Pacific for Asia. Etihad for Middle East.
Favorite aircraft type: No favorites right now, but I typically like Airbus more than Boeing.
Aisle or window: Aisle.
Favorite airport lounge: The Wing & The Pier at HKG are fantastic!
Favorite U.S. airport: Nothing stands out…
Favorite international airport: Hong Kong International Airport.
Favorite hotel: I typically enjoy SPG properties the most.
Favorite travel credit card: Citi® / AAdvantage® Executive World Elite Mastercard®
Favorite food: Definitely sushi.
Least favorite food: I’m not a huge fan of German food. Too heavy!
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): I like alternating between white wine with meals, and water between meals.
Right now I am reading: “Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down.”
5 things you bring on a plane: Computer, headphones, an extra set of clothing, water, and some snacks.
What do you always seem to forget? My headphone adapter and attenuator for planes that don’t have 3.5mm headphone jacks.
What do you like least about travel? Delays.
Favorite travel app(s): TripCase.
Most embarrassing travel moment: 90-year-old Japanese man spilled half his can of beer on my pants. We had a good laugh about it, but it was quite embarrassing when I had to stand up and get off the plane.
I’m embarrassed but I haven’t been to: All my friends have been to Disney World in Florida a million times, but I’ve never even been in the state.
Worst travel moment: Food poisoning in the middle of rural China, where the closest reputable hospital was eight hours away by car.
What’s your dream destination? Not sure right now. In my imagination—some beautiful and secluded beach resort in the middle of nowhere.
Best travel tip: Drink more water than you think you should, especially before long-haul international flights. It really helps with minimizing jet lag.