Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Abby Tegnelia
Occupation: Magazine editor and travel blogger
Hometown: I am nomadic because of my family! We moved often, but I graduated high school in Albuquerque, NM.
Residence: Las Vegas, NV
Website: The Jungle Princess
Twitter: @abbytegnelia
Facebook: Abby Tegnelia
Pinterest: Abby Tegnelia
Short Bio: I have wanted to be a journalist since I was 5-years-old and got my first passport when I was 12. Travel blogging lets me combine those two loves! Since graduating from Columbia J-school, I have worked at New York magazine, Us Weekly and In Touch, and written for a ton of magazines including Glamour, Marie Claire, Women’s Wear Daily and more. I have been an editor-in-chief of three regional magazines, including the luxury title Vegas, where I am now. I got the job after traveling for two years as a result of losing my job during the recession, in 2008. I ended up living in Costa Rica for a year of that, where I started my blog, The Jungle Princess. The title came about because I was a city girl living happily in a one-room house in a small pueblo. It became a testament to the idea that anything is possible, even if at first you are a fish out of water.
How often do you fly: When it comes to travel, I am not a creature of habit. I road-trip, jump on planes, catch a bus, who cares. Heck, I even got a private jet all to myself recently. On average, I actually get on a plane… 12 times a year? Ish?
How many countries have you been to: 31
How many continents have you been to: 4
Favorite American city: I move around every few years because I can’t decide!
Favorite international city: At last count, I’d been to Barcelona 11 times. But I still hate to name a favorite! Whenever I can, I fly down to Coco, the small town I lived in in Costa Rica.
Favorite airline: Delta has been so good to me over the years.
Aisle or window: Aisle
Favorite airport lounge: I usually forgo airline lounges for restaurant bars and restaurants, such as One Flew South in Atlanta’s international terminal. I always meet people there.
Favorite U.S. airport: Atlanta
Favorite international airport: I’ll never forget being offered a candy while my passport was checked in Singapore. Also, I have stayed there overnight before and had plenty to do. American airports sometimes shut down at 9 pm!
Favorite hotel: Weirdly, my favorite hotel right now is the Cosmopolitan, which is in my town. But I have stayed there so many times now and absolutely love it.
Favorite cruise line: Disney! (The only one I’ve ever been on.)
Favorite fancy restaurant: Yellowtail, at Bellagio, in Vegas.
Favorite hole in the wall: Too many to list.
Favorite fruit: I am such a cliché: I eat an apple a day.
Favorite food: Any kind paired with wine! I love trying new things and eat almost everything.
Least favorite food: Carrots
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground) Champagne
Favorite travel movie(s): I thought about this long and hard, and the only movie I can come up with is Monsoon Wedding. It’s not even a travel movie per se, but the romance and exoticness ignites the spark that I crave and what keeps me traveling. I vaguely remembering thinking that L’Auberge Espagnole was life-changing, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that film.
Favorite travel show(s): I have a hard time watching travel shows, because I get jealous and antsy.
Favorite travel book(s): I can’t think of any travel books right now, although I do read to escape. But I often lose myself in geeky fantasy series.
Five things you bring on a plane: Enormous sweater, eye drops, a watch, Kindle, and a pen for the entry papers.
What do you always seem to forget: Nothing! I never unpack my carry-on or my travel toiletries bag.
What’s your dream destination: My list is too long!
Best travel tip: Break the rules! When drinking wine, I always say, “drink what you like,” even if it isn’t the “perfect” pairing. When it comes to travel, go where it makes you happy, not where you feel you “should” go. Life is short.
Awesome interview, Abby! I love that you don’t unpack your toiletries or carry-on bag. I’m going to have to start doing that too!
Honestly, she’s my hero.
I hate packing — I do anything to make it less of a chore!
Bobbi, you are too kind!
We love Abby! Great to learn more about the most stylish blogger in the biz.
Loves a bit of Abby!
“When drinking wine, I always say ‘drink what you like’ even if it isn’t the perfect pairing…” ahhh. Such a great interview!!!