Today’s tip is from reader Mark B. and will really make your trip to Hawaii much smoother if you follow his advice. I’m also including links to some of our recent Hawaii travel tips below so check them all out as well.
Reader Tip
Having just arrived in Kona, I’d like to share important information. The State of Hawaii not only requires a negative test within 72 hours of arrival in Hawaii AND registration and uploading of test results to their website but also requires visitors to enter flight data not only for an arriving flight but also every connecting flight to another island. Hawaii does not state that requirement on their site. A QR code is required for each flight. So arriving HNL with a QR code for that flight, when we landed at KOA we were asked for the QR code for that flight, which we didn’t have. There we were stuck at the arrival gate re-entering the same information previously entered except with the addition of the flight info for the flight HNL to KOA. Remember to add a separate registration for every flight to save time and a hassle at your final destination. ~ Mark B.
My Reply:
Thanks, Mark for your tip! It’s very helpful so we’ll run it this week and ask others to please submit their Hawaii travel tips if they’ve been in the last few weeks so others can have a better experience.
So readers, if you’ve been to Hawaii in the last few weeks or live there and have advice that can help others have a better experience, please email me (Johnny @ JohnnyJet .com). I’m looking for anything from getting to/from the airports and getting around town without a car rental to dining and safety tips.
More Hawaii Travel Tips
–10 Tips for Traveling to Hawaii (Oahu) During COVID
–The App Every Traveler to Hawaii Needs to Download
–Live Hawaii Webcams
RELATED: Tips for booking a vacation to Hawaii
As more people start booking vacations, we’re getting tips for traveling to Hawaii. Travelzoo‘s Gabe Saglie gives us an inside look at what the process looks like right now. This segment aired on KTLA+ ‘Off the Clock’ on April 13, 2021. (KTLA)
> re: the QR codes for each flight segment: “Remember to add a separate registration for every flight to save time and a hassle at your final destination.”
I’ve not yet traveled under Covid protocols but I have a trip coming up. And I’m confused about these trip registrations. How do you ‘register’ and how do you get a QR code for each leg of a trip? TIA.