Who doesn’t love the chance to win a contest – especially when it has to do with travel? This page will be updated weekly to keep you in-the-know about great contest opportunities, so check back frequently. NOTE: If you find a link that’s not working, it most likely means the contest has ended.

Here are some great contests that are active:

Good luck and I hope you win the trip of a lifetime!

FYI: Know about a travel contest? Email Johnny @ JohnnyJet .com the details.

10 Comments On "This week’s travel contests"
  1. Jeffrey Cogan|


    Due to the cost, I got rid of my AMEX Platinum. I like Priority Pass and have 800 FICO. Is there a card that is less than $100 that has free priority pass?

    1. Johnny Jet Editorial|

      Unfortunately, there isn’t a credit card with Priority Pass that offers a low annual fee.

  2. Trudy Hodge|

    Never win anything before just bless.

  3. Sandy King|

    Hi Johnny Jet.. do you ever do any giveaway trips to South Africa ? I have a calling to go to South Africa I don’t know what it is it’s been going on for quite some time although going there is unaffordable to me. I cry almost everyday and I watch every single show I can Netflix prime time etc on South Africa and lions are my thing. I wish I could explain what this calling is but it’s been going on for quite a while.. I have nothing but love and respect for everything that is related to South Africa and the people and the animals.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      Yes. Once in a great while they have them

  4. Barbara|

    Just found your site. Love it

  5. Kyla Reeves|

    I really want to win but for more than two people what can I do for more than two people

  6. Juan|

    Your most recent video is very old.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      Some of them are are year or two old. I need to edit the carousel

  7. David Frahm|

    Great content!

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