If you’re on Facebook or read the gossip magazines, then you’ve no doubt seen stories about celebrities or maybe eve your friends making plans to move out of the country if their candidate loses the election. Bruce Springsteen is on record declaring that if Trump wins, he’s moving to Australia and Tommy Lee has said he’s moving to Greece.
But it turns out that historically, according to our expert, political reasons are only the third reason why someone moves out of the USA. The first two reasons are to save money or for better weather.
Our expert is Tim Leffel, who I’ve known for close to 20 years. He’s an award-winning travel writer whose stories have appeared in more than 50 publications and he is the founder of the Cheapest Destinations blog and the narrative online magazine Perceptive Travel. He’s also the author of five books including A Better Life for Half the Price and Travel Writing 2.0, both in their second editions and his new e-book is available now at Ebook is available now at CheapLivingAbroad.com; the paperback will be released mid-November. Tim grew up in Virginia but is now based in Guanajuato, Mexico and was kind enough to sit down for a 17-minute interview with me, answering my questions about living abroad, especially in Mexico since that’s the number one choice for Americans.
You can listen to the interview here or watch on YouTube.
![YouTube video](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E3WCY57Umzw/hqdefault.jpg)
Here are some of the things we talked about:
-Where are the cheapest places to live in Mexico?
-Is it dangerous to live in Mexico?
-Do you need to speak Spanish?
-How much does it cost to live there?
-How much does it cost to go to dinner?
-Are there chains like Starbucks?
-Have you gotten food poisoning?
-What are the cheapest countries in the world for Americans to live in?
-How’s the healthcare?
-How are the schools?