Bangkok's BKK Airport baggage claim

Last week my sister (Georgie Jet) helped pack my dad’s bags as he was leaving her home in Connecticut. He then flew to Los Angeles where I was picking him up. Fortunately, Georgie sent me photos of his bags so I knew exactly what they looked like, which helped saved time and aggravation. His bags (surprisingly) made it out before he did, so I was able to grab them while I waited. When he rolled through the exit, we were ready to go.

Another reason you want to photograph your luggage is so that in case the airline loses it, you can show the agent a photo—instead of trying to flip through their picture books, trying to describe your suitcase, or whatever.

Related: My new carry-on bag.



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5 Comments On "Share Photos of Your Luggage with the People Picking You Up"
  1. Wayne B.|

    What a great idea! It makes sense to photograph my luggage. We all remember to video our possessions at home don’t we? So should I also shoot the inside contents also? I don’t think my wife would like that idea too much!

  2. William Chinn|

    Another reason: When returning from an overseas shopping trip with more luggage than you left with, the driver sometimes needs to know how much space needs to be cleared out of the car especially when luggage has to be shared inside the car with passengers.

  3. Kathy|

    Excellent tip — thank you! I have photograph all my important docs but never thought of doing that with luggage. Glad this popped up on Postwaves.

  4. Kathy|

    That should read ‘I have photographed all my…’!

  5. Andrew buston|

    Good information Johnny Jet.. Please tell me weight of luggage in flights..

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