reader-travel-tip2Log Out for a Southwest Flight Search
Each Friday, we’re featuring a reader-submitted tip as our Travel Tip of the Day. This week’s tip comes from reader Mike B., who builds on the idea that logged-out airfare searches are the way to go. Says Mike:

“I’ve listened to you on Leo for a long time and enjoyed the tips! I travel a lot, and in particular with Southwest, I am A-List Preferred. I just noticed that when I’m signed in to Southwest’s website, the flight I take regularly is priced higher than flights at other times of the day. I launched a different browser and cleared my cookies and amazingly the price for that flight was the same as the others for the day.

This seems like a really messed up way to treat good customers. I will now always book the flight and log in at checkout.”

Another reason to make sure to do your research before booking. Thanks, Mike!



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