Don't let your dog chew your passport

If you thought that telling your teacher that your dog had eaten your homework was a good excuse at school, take note! Back in December, a U.K. couple was turned away from Indonesia upon arrival because one of their passports had been chewed by their dog. They were traveling to Bali on their honeymoon and were ordered to book a flight home before they could set foot outside the airport.

According to TravelPulse, “Daniel and Tia Farthing said the passport was chewed on by their dog Milo several years ago, but it wasn’t a problem until they flew from the United Kingdom to Bali on October 16.

“While U.K. Border Force agents said the damaged passport wouldn’t be an issue during their vacation to Indonesia, officials there disagreed. Bali security personnel informed Farthing and his wife they would have to take the next flight out of the country.”

The lesson here, first of all, is to always keep your passport stored safely and securely. In addition, if your passport is in any way damaged, it doesn’t matter if officials in your country tell you it will be okay to travel elsewhere with it. Officials in other countries don’t answer to them and they may not agree, just as the Indonesian officials in this story did not agree with the U.K. officials’ evaluation. (Apparently the chewed-on passport was also not a problem when Daniel traveled internationally within Europe.) Protect your passport, and if it does get damaged, make sure you replace it as soon as possible.




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