Even if you have a ton of air miles and a rewards card with excellent credit, you can always learn more about becoming a better world traveler. There are plenty of sites and travel tools out there telling you what to do in a new destination. But what about what not to do?
Dondoo is a first-of-its-kind search engine for people looking to avoid travel faux pas. It’s jammed full of faux pas that could cause you embarrassment or worse in environments that aren’t familiar to you, organized by region, country, state/etc., city, and even airport. And to find your destination of interest/concern, you can either search for it and scroll the interactive map.
It’s a great idea if you ask me, and better yet it’s well-executed. Dondoo lays out its travel faux pas cleanly and simply, like below (under Northern Ireland). Best of all, it’s free to use.
Once you’ve found your destination, you can simply scroll through all the listed faux pas with your mouse or keyboard. But if you think a certain faux pa is useful or not useful/inaccurate, you can click the corresponding icons. This way, Dondoo can log your input for future users. In addition, if you have your own faux pa—perhaps that you learned about the hard way—you can submit it for inclusion on Dondoo. You’ll just have to add context in the form here.
“We want to equip all the travelers out there, embarking on their journeys to discover new places and destinations,” says Marko Fojtlin, the founder of Dondoo, “to continue interacting with other people without fear of unintentionally performing cultural faux-pas.”
Follow Dondoo on Instagram and avoid more travel faux pas
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