If you’re traveling for more than a couple of days, ask one of your neighbors to pick up your mail and newspapers so the build up doesn’t alert burglars to your absence. And don’t forget to pick them up a thank you gift during your travels as a token of your appreciation.
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It is much better and easier to use the US Post Office – Hold Mail – it is free and you can get it done and modify on the internet!
Thank you! I agree
Another way is to get the Post Office to hold your mail.
Don’t forget you can go online at USPS.com and stop your mail.
Another approach to managing your mail while you are away is to have the post office hold your mail. You can request a mail hold online at https://holdmail.usps.com/holdmail/.
At the end of your vacation you have the option of having the mail person deliver your accumulated mail or you can pick it up at the post office. USPS will hold your mail for up to 30 days. I use it all the time – very convienent and its free!
You can stop most newspapers online as well.
1. Have USPS hold your mail and deliver it when you get back. 2. Have newspaper suspended while away and have them add it to extend your subscription. (I pay by the year for a savings.)
Good one! We will share it with everyone!
We use USPS.gov and stop our mail and go online and stop the newspapers.
I just have the post office hold it, simple form and they will deliver on my return.
I always go online to http://www.usps.com and have our mail held :-) We live in a small town, so I feel safe doing that!
Having the USPS hold your mail, you are assuming no bad guys work there? Big assumption!