Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Emily Johnston
Occupation: Editor, Fashion Foie Gras
Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina
Residence: London, UK
College: Sweet Briar
College major: Art History
Website: fashionfoiegras.com
Twitter: @fashionfoiegras
Facebook: Fashion Foie Gras
Pinterest: Fashion Foie Gras
Google+: Fashion Foie Gras
Instagram: fashionfoiegras
YouTube: Fashionfoiegras
Short bio: Editor of Fashion Foie Gras, a fashion news and luxury lifestyle blog based in the United Kingdom. Started in 2009, the blog is considered one of the top ten blogs in the United Kingdom and has been featured in dozens of publications from the US to the UAE.
Languages spoken: English, a little bit of French, a little bit of Italian.
How often do you fly? At least twice a month.
How many countries have you been to? To be completely honest, I’ve never counted.
How many continents have you been to? Same as before. Really need to sit down and do that, don’t I?
Earliest travel memory: Getting on a plane to Boston from North Carolina with my older brothers. It was my first flight and never in my life can I remember being so excited about anything else.
Favorite American city: Santa Monica. I fell in love 8 years ago and the love affair remains strong.
Favorite international city: My new hometown, London. This is truly a magical city, despite the unfortunate weather.
Least favorite country: Tough one here. It used to be France because of some bad experiences in Paris. However, the most I travel there, the more I appreciate the different cultures and people and have grown to truly love this city and country. I don’t think I really have a country that is least favourite.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: Italy. I always have trouble there and have no idea why!
Favorite World Heritage Site: Mont-Saint-Michel in France.
Favorite airline: Virgin Atlantic.
Favorite aircraft type: Anything with a flat bed.
Aisle or window: Window—love to watch the world go by.
Favorite airport lounge: London Heathrow’s Virgin lounge.
Favorite U.S. airport: Charlotte, North Carolina—can’t get enough of those rocking chairs.
Favorite international airport: London (Heathrow) Terminal 5. You can get in so much trouble shopping here.
Favorite hotel: Hotel Bel-Air.
Favorite cruise line: Cunard.
Favorite travel credit card: British Airways American Express.
Favorite island: Jumby Bay, Antigua.
Favorite beach: Any beach on Jumby Bay. Seriously nothing beats it.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Noma.
Favorite hole-in-the-wall: Meat Liquor, London.
Favorite bar: Post Ranch Inn bar at Sunset in Big Sur.
Favorite fruit: Strawberries.
Favorite food: Cheeseburgers: my guilty pleasure.
Least favorite food: Okra.
Craziest thing you’ve eaten: Live ants at Noma.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Champagne.
Favorite travel movie(s): Eat, Pray, Love.
Favorite travel show(s): I’m addicted to Samantha Brown.
Favorite travel book(s): Too many to mention. I always pick one at random when I’m traveling to a foreign country.
Right now I am reading: “Gone Girl.”
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: Travel & Leisure, Budget Travel and National Geographic Traveler.
Favorite travel website(s)—besides JohnnyJet.com, of course! Naturally, I’m newly obsessed with yours. Also Love Lost in Cheeseland and I’m obsessed with Trip Advisor these days.
5 things you bring on a plane: iPad, iPhone, Macbook (I’m an Apple fan, what can I say?), bottle of water, Chapstick.
What do you always seem to forget? A pen!
What do you like least about travel? Jetlag.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? A magnet for the fridge. Love being reminded every morning of the cool places in the world around us.
Favorite travel app(s): Any and all airline apps that allow me to check in and use my boarding pass on my phone.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Getting locked in the toilet mid-air.
Worst travel moment: Yeah, that would be what I just mentioned. Horrible!
What’s your dream destination: It’s simple: sitting on a beach in South Carolina with my family. Haven’t done that in so long so it’s become my dream vacation for 2014.
Favorite travel charity: Change for Children from Virgin Atlantic.
Best travel tip: Look up from your iPhone. The world is all around you and we’re all missing it these days as we try to tweet and instagram about our lives. Take the picture, then enjoy your surroundings and share later.